What is the IBTA
The IBTA, or to give us our proper name, the Ilfracombe and District Business and Tourism Association, are a membership organisation that is the only voice of local businesses. We have a management committee which is open to any member to join. We have over 70 member businesses and organisations.
One of our aims, is to ensure that the towns economy, which is reliant on visitors, continues to flourish.
We promote, lobby and work with others including:
· Ilfracombe Town Council
. Ilfracombe Marketing Group
· The Harbour Board
· North Devon District Council
· The Local MP
· The Local Crime Commissioner
· Events 4 Ilfracombe
· Other local DMO’s like Visit Woolacombe and Visit Lynton & Lynmouth
The IBTA recently changed its name from Ilfracombe and District Tourism Association to embrace the wider businesses in the town and around. We feel it’s important to recognise that Ilfracombe is made up of more than just tourism organisations. With a more diverse membership, we can campaign as the voice for local business, especially when dealing with local, district and county councils.
Recently we part-funded the appointment of an Ilfracombe Ambassador and the production of films to promote Ilfracombe as a top destination. We have helped to set up major events in the town as well as donating regularly to local groups and projects and we organise the Sunday bands in the bandstand.
An element of members fees is allocated to a Tourism Project fund which has supported projects such as the interpretation boards along the South West Coast Path, the Ilfracombe Webcam, Fore Street & High Street Lights and the production of the promotional films.
Generally, we have helped to initiate major events in the town like the North Devon Food Festival, All Things Morris and Ilfracombe Bike Show. Further we donate funds to organisations that we feel benefit the towns economy, like Ilfracombe in Bloom, Victorian Week, Sea Ilfracombe and Bands in the bandstand.
The management committee meet regularly, and welcome members to attend, and indeed any one is welcome.
Interested? Click here to Find out how to become a member